What Does Veterans Day Mean to You?

In recognition of Veterans Day, we asked a few of our Team Rubicon volunteers to weigh in.

Team Rubicon USA
4 min readNov 9, 2017

Andrew Hanna: Army Veteran

I believe there’s a reason that Veterans Day is also Armistice Day. November 11th honors those who have stepped forward and sacrificed for the greater good. A beacon of hope that we may one day see an end to armed conflicts. We should be so blessed to see a world which does not need to create veterans.

Scott Coykendall: Navy Veteran

Veterans Day, the eleventh day of the eleventh month. Pause to remember those sacrifices made by all who have served this country. Remember those who died on battlefields of places long forgotten. Remember those who came home from those battlefields, carrying the hidden scars of war deep in their souls. Remember the fathers, mothers, grandparents, sons, and daughters who stood up and said, “Here I am! I will put myself in harm’s way to protect my family, friends, and even those I will never meet!”

This year is coming to a close and I have so many veterans to thank. To those who served before me: thank you for leaving me with a legacy I was proud to uphold throughout my Naval career. To those I served beside: thank you for helping to shape me into them man I am today. To those I never served with on active duty: but serve with now as a member of Team Rubicon, thank you for making the world a better place, one person at a time — one disaster at a time. To those still on active duty: thank you for stepping up and sacrificing yourself to carry on the weighty responsibility of defending the way of life we as Americans have cherished for over two centuries.

To those who have never served in the military, when you see a veteran proudly wearing that cap that explains where they have been, simply thank them for what they have done to keep you free and safe.

To me, Veterans Day is a day to say thank you and welcome home to veterans and their families who have sacrificed so much for so many.

Jay Kurtz: Air Force Veteran

Veterans Day is a moment each year where the quintessential example of sacrifice — of the service members, service member families, civilians, and of a nation — is observed, and where we’re able to reaffirm our steadfast hold on our founding principles.

David Dodds: Army Veteran

Veterans Day is a day to remember and celebrate those before us who chose to serve something bigger than themselves. In our busy and hectic lives, sometimes it’s necessary for us to take the time to remember those who came before us and the challenges they faced. To me, more than anything else, Veterans Day is a renewal of my annual contract to continue to serve and make those men and women who came before us proud. The best way to honor them is to continue the tradition of service, whether we continue to wear the uniform or not.

Jeff Wagg: Civilian

As a civilian, it’s a reminder to me that there are people who choose to give up their freedom and risk their lives to serve all of us.

Stephanie West: Navy Veteran

It’s a day when I stand a little taller, hold my head up high. My heart pumps red, white, and blue, harder than usual through my veins. It’s about the camaraderie: the bonds, that not even time, can break. The instant connection and understanding of a complete stranger, who has served, because we all have walked the path together in unity. It’s about family and looking out for each other.

Veterans Day is a reminder to keep pushing to serve others, to continue to be a part of something bigger than myself. To continue to make all who came before me, served next to me, those we serve today, PROUD.

Learn more about the only nonprofit organization uniting the skills and experiences of military veterans with first responders to rapidly deploy emergency response teams at TeamRubiconUSA.org.



Team Rubicon USA

Team Rubicon unites the skills and experiences of military veterans with first responders to rapidly deploy emergency response teams. https://teamrubiconusa.org